p. 261
"His hume."
A reference to David Hume, or the humors?
"Swiney Tod, ye Daimon Barbar."
Hey, it's Sweeney Todd, and not the dumb Tim Burton one.
"Ainsoph...groupname for grapejuice."
It's Aesop, and the fable about the fox and the grapes!
p. 262
"Swing the banjo, bantams, bounce-the-baller's blown to fook."
I like fuck represented as "fook".
p. 263
"let bygones be bei Gunne's"
Let the past be let go, and guns as well?
"emerald canticle of Hermes"
The green hymn of Hermes. Good stuff.
p. 264
"Fossilisation, all branches...Startnaked and bonedstiff. We vivvy soddy. All be dood."
The fossils are apologizing for being naked, bony, and stiff.
p. 265
Just check out footnote 2. It's awesome.
p. 266 (nothin')
p. 267
"Veto but Nova will be nearing as their radient among the Nereids."
There will be a Nova as beautiful as the nymphs!
p. 268
Sounds like an sociology textbook.
p. 269
"There is comfortism in the knowledge that often hate on first hearing comes of love by second sight."
Love sometimes takes a second look. Maybe even a third.
"Every letter is a godsend, ardent Ares, brusque Boreas and glib Ganymeade like zealous Zeus."
Ooh, alliterative Greek gods!
p. 270 (nothin')
p. 271
"There's a split in the infinitive from to have to have been to will be."
Ooh, grammar humor!
p. 272
"Gringrin gringrin."
Lots of grinning.
p. 273
"Bumps, bellows and bawls...Shake eternity and lick creation."
So that's what the universe sounds like when it's getting its ass kicked.
p. 274
"As Shakefork might pitch it."
I'm calling him that from now on.
"All the world loves a big gleaming jelly."
No way. Screw jelly.
p. 275
"The Goat and Compasses ('phone number 17:69, if you want to know)"
Is this like a parody of a bible parable/verse? Corinthians?
p. 276
"At Tam Fanagan's weak yat his still's going strang."
There he is again!
p. 277
"We drames our dreams until Bappy returns. And Sein annews."
We dream our dreams until happiness comes. Then sin renews once again?
p. 278
"Dear Brotus, land me arrears."
Dear Brutus, lend me your ears.
p. 279
Holy footnote, Batman!
"So sing loud, sweet cheeriot, like anegreon in heaven!"
Swing low, sweet chariot, like Anacreon in heaven!
p. 280
"A scene at sight. Or dreamoneire."
A scene at night. Or dreamland. Your choice.